
What are your gifts?

In my opinion, gifts are the natural, raw materials/skills/talents that we all were born with, just as a seed contains all it needs to grow into what it was created to be. The seed simply needs the right environment to grow into its full potential.

In the past, I recall the professional speaker, Les Brown say something along the lines, “the richest place on Earth is the graveyard.” The philosophy behind this statement is that many, many people die with unused gifts they were given at birth. Fear, lack of focus, and opinions of others are reasons many of us do not see our gifts, talents and dreams come into fruition.

I began cutting hair around 12 years old without any formal training. I just did it. There were no online videos to observe techniques; at most, I would watch the professional Barber’s cut and style hair and I’d remember some of the things they did and would go home and practice on myself (or my younger brother). Before I knew it, I was cutting hair throughout high school, college and haven’t stopped since then, 28 years ago as of today.

Identify your gifts and use them. There is no benefit whatsoever taking them to your grave, unused.


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