The Story.

So it started here: At 13 years of age, I was able to identify my inherent gift of haircutting.  From that point on, with help from mentors within the hair industry, I realized that people often shared their life story with Barbers and Stylists, where the stylists had a positive affect on how people look and feel. I observed people sharing details of their personal life journey and to me, I was immediately drawn to it. Helping others move through the “seasons” of their lives and career pathways.

From that point forward, I developed and refined my skills through both becoming a licensed Barber, Cosmetologist in several States and the United Kingdom, as well as earning post-secondary education despite my guidance counselor stating that I “wasn’t college material.” After graduating and since then, I have served hundreds of individuals within the “helping field”, as an Educator, Human Services Professional and Career Advisor, assisting by helping others “connect the dots” of their journey and adventure.

What I’ve learned from my own personal career journey is that every experience is preparation for the next step, or “season” into becoming authentically the person we were born to be. Every experience counts, even if it doesn’t appear to count. It does. It’s all part of our own unique, adventure into using the gifts and talents planted inside of us.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide on how to be effective through using those gifts, talents, and to become a person of value.

This is where I assist others with the exploration process. Its more than a job, its a life assignment; a Mission.

Once an individual has identified a problem that compel’s them to do something about improving it, they have activated their pathway to developing Passion, which leads to Purpose.

Please note: You understand that the coaching services you will be receiving are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. You also understand that Coaching services are not acting as a mental health counselor or a medical professional.